a good set of storage
shed plans you
can build your very own shed that
can house your lawn and garden equipment, tools and anything else
that you might not want to keep inside the house.
on the size of your shed and just how elaborate you want to make it,
you can spend anywhere from about $500 to $5,000 in the cost of
materials. For the shed that will be described below, your cost
should be roughly $1,000 and 2 full days of labor.
you can start, you will need to find a suitable place on your
property to place the shed. Ideally, it should not be too far from
your house and should be on a fairly flat piece of ground.
by marking an 8 foot by 16 foot rectangle on leveled ground. Next,
you will need to dig postholes about 2.5 feet deep in each corner and
every 4 feet on the sides and back of the structure. Using 6”x 6”
10 foot posts sink them to a depth of two feet and fill each hole
with concrete. Once the concrete has set, you are ready to start
framing the floor and erecting the walls.
frame the floor, you will need to use pressure treated 2” x 4”
lumber. Connect the 4 corners with the lumber to form a rectangle.
Install floor 8’ floor joists every 2 feet and then nail down ¾
inch plywood to form the floor.
the frame for each wall by using 2”x 4”s and then attach them to
the posts that you had installed earlier. Be sure you have an 8 foot
opening in the center of the front of the structure. That is where
the double doors will go. Attach ½ inch plywood to the frame to form
the walls.
heavy duty hinges, attach two 4’x 8’ doors of reinforced ½ inch
plywood in the center front opening. Next, you are ready to build the
roof. Make a series of triangular trusses that can be attached to the
top of the frame of the shed. Once secured, layer with plywood and
then cover the plywood with tar paper roofing shingles. Make sure the
shingles overlap so rain will drain off them and not between them.
basic structure should now be complete. You can add some shelving and
maybe a storage rack inside. An inexpensive indoor/outdoor carpet can
be glued down to the plywood floor.
add the finishing touch, get yourself a few gallons of your favorite
colored paint and paint the entire outside of your plastic storage
Take a little break and then start loading the shed with all of your